Promote your cause.

Fundraising is FUN. Put zest into all your events. EmbroidMe is a remarkable resource for donative initiative premiums, purchase items and apparel at benefits and all nonprofit events. Work with one of our onsite specialists to develop a perfectly suited promotional program with products that your audience will love and use. Our fresh ideas and custom products will complement your excellent program management and allow you to capture the FUN in fundraising season after season.

Make a Name

Give a face and name to your brand to make yourself stand apart in today’s global society. Personalize your organizations brand and cultivate loyalty in both the community and your organization with badges and nametags. Help stimulate discussion and build rapport with lapel pins to tag groups. We offer superb product quality and unsurpassed service.

Custom Promotional Programs

Tailor your promotional products program to best represent your event. Perfect for golf tournaments, meals, fundraisers or other fun activities, our high-impact promotional items work hand in hand with your message to accomplish your mission.

Recognition and Reward

Recognize and reward hard work both in your organization and community with EmbroidMe’s customizable trophies, plaques and awards. We offer laser engraving along with fine wood, crystal and acrylic.

Starting with a clear definition of goals, one of our Promotional Marketing Experts will work with you through the EmbroidMe Partnership Process to develop a comprehensive strategy that will devlier amazing results